Zucchini and Onion Teriyaki | Morsels of Life


Zucchini and Onion Teriyaki

Morsels of Life - Zucchini and Onion Teriyaki - Zucchini with sauteed onions, flavored by teriyaki sauce and garnished with sesame seeds.

For this last recipe I share before heading off to vacation in Southeast Asia, I thought I'd make some Zucchini and Onion Teriyaki. Hope you enjoy! Please come back to see what new ideas I find in Southeast Asia! Don't forget you can still subscribe via email or subscribe via RSS.

I still had a lot of zucchini, so I thought about making something like Caramelized Onions with Green Peppers. I know that this recipe might not seem nearly as tasty, but then, that recipe had bacon and maple syrup. However, sometimes all that bacon and maple syrup is just too much, and especially with the weather warming up, something light and flavorful can be better. I started off planning on caramelizing the onions, but then part way through, I decided I didn't feel like it anymore, so the onions are only partially caramelized. However, I think that actually works better in this dish. After the onions have softened up a bit, just add the teriyaki sauce and zucchini. Cook that until it's reached the desired level of tenderness, then garnish with sesame seeds. For those of you who are observant, you'll notice that I used yellow squash (I tend to refer to yellow squash as zucchini on here because they are pretty much interchangeable and zucchini is a bit shorter (and I'm going to say more efficient) than "summer yellow squash"), and the picture doesn't include sesame seeds. Why not? Well, I forgot and by the time I realized it, this dish was already on it's way to being eaten. Hopefully you can do a better job than me!

Zucchini with sauteed onions, flavored by teriyaki sauce and garnished with sesame seeds.


Mass Weight Volume Number Material Notes
1 onion, sliced
2 zucchini, sliced to sticks
teriyaki sauce
oil Sesame oil might be a good option, but any should work.
sesame seeds optional


  1. Heat oil and onions in a pan and saute until softened.
  2. Add in zucchini and teriyaki sauce and cook to desired level of tenderness.
  3. Garnish with sesame seeds.

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