Pond Scum Soup | Morsels of Life

Pond Scum Soup

Morsels of Life - Pond Scum Soup - A deceptively delicious soup made with seaweed and egg, and then flavored with green onions and soy sauce.

Recipe inspired by James’ taste buds. We usually take turns deciding what kind of soup to have with dinner, and James chose this one. I have no idea what the “real” name for this soup is, but I had a hard time getting a picture of this that didn’t look like pond scum, so I’m calling it pond scum soup.

Anyone know the actual name for this soup?

A deceptively delicious soup made with seaweed and egg, and then flavored with green onions and soy sauce.


Mass Weight Volume Number Material Notes
water or stock
seaweed I used kim, a type of Korean seaweed with sesame oil on it. Nori or zicai would also work well.
1 egg, beaten
green onions
soy sauce


  1. Bring water or stock to a boil.
  2. Once water is boiling, turn off heat and slowly pour egg into water while stirring.
  3. Add seaweed and allow it to rehydrate.
  4. Add green onions and soy sauce to soup just before serving.

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