February's Top 5 | Morsels of Life


February's Top 5

I can’t believe it’s already almost March already! Instead of the usual post, I thought I’d do another “Top 5″ list for the top 5 most visited recipes this month. And without further ado…

Without further ado, here's the Top 5 roundup for February!

Morsels of Life - Roasted Candied Carrots

5. Roasted Candied Carrots

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Or as James likes to call them, “Tricksy Currts.” These carrots are first roasted and then topped with a delicious sweet sauce, combining the best of both worlds.
Morsels of Life - Stuffed Mushrooms

4. Stuffed Mushrooms

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A quick and easy food, good as an appetizer, and easy enough to make for larger groups.
Morsels of Life - Lemon Basil Monkey Bread

3. Lemon Basil Monkey Bread

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A fun bread to eat with your family or a small group. Great for eating with soup, or even by itself!
Morsels of Life - BBQ Sauce

2. BBQ Sauce

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An easy sauce that you can customize to your heart’s desire! Make it as simple or as complex as you’d like. Goes very well with BBQ tofu sticks.
Morsels of Life - Chai Tea

1. Chai Tea

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My favorite tea, and based on your visits, it seems like it might be some of your favorite teas as well! Feel free to try other versions or make your own. If you find something delicious, let me know so I can try it too!

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